Before I start to tell you the topic about Louis eating a leaf, (Poor leaf! ToT)
I will tell you things Louis did after she came.
She ate a leaf
Just after we brought her home, she peed in her bed.
She grew fur. Very much!
She made me sacrifice a doll.
When I wake up, Louis tries to get out with poop on her feet. (I don't know why she always steps on it ToT)
She chews the door.
She chews the wallpaper (And mom got supermad)
She chews her toy
She chews my feet
She chews mom's feet
She chews her food
She chews a leaf (And ate it)
She chews my fingers (Oww ToT)
She chews the fence
She chews the sofa
She chews the poop pad
She chews cloths
She went inside the bathroom and licks the water there (So my violin bag is there blocking her from going in)
She licks the floor
She licks her feet
Now, let's get on the topic. (6~17 she chews a lot) I will tel the story when Louis ate a leaf.
The plant basket was quite close to Louis's fence.
And when she got out, she played with her toys and chewed her feet like usual, when
me and mom were eating lunch.
There came a sound like crunch crunch crisp crisp..
And when I went to Louis, she stared at me with her cute big eyes like this...

I went to her to see what she had done, and she was all fine.
"She did nothin-"
I was about to shout to my mom when I saw a leaf that was half dead.
It was like this..

Soon, I was laughing to death.
I know it wasn't a scene I should laugh, but it was too funny!!
I think the reason is that my mom gave her a broccoli for a treat because she did a good 'sit. wait. (one two three four five six seven eight nine ten)'
I think she thought the leaf was a vegetable treat too. ^^
Anyways, the plant basket is now up on the air conditioner!!
Hope you had fun reading it!
(P.S. If you stare too long at the picture, you get a heart attack)