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<Why some people are so unfortunate>+"Mongshilunee" Spoiler


<Why some people are just so unfortunate>

(If Mr. Patrick saw this, he wouldn’t have to read this)

There are many unfortunate people in this world.

I am writing about this topic because I read a book called “MongShilUnnee” and that is unfortunate.

“JongHo” who is “Monshil”’s younger brother dies when he is born.

<List of people who die>



Nannam(Only in the drama)

Jong Kuk




Jongshee father

Kim shee father

Birthdays with sad events

May 18th is my birthday. May 19th is Seoin’s Birthday. I scanned through the calendar, and noticed something. My mom just got a message from Peai that the Evaluation test was going to be on May 25th. Then, I looked at the Chats file again, and noticed an unfortunate event. An idea swooshed through my head, funny and serious. I think most of you would have noticed already, but May 25th is Hailey’s Birthday. It is so sad. Evilution test on your birthday? Well, I imagined Hailey “Ahh” ing because the Evil-Uation test is horrible.

Now, back to my birthday. I have to go to school on my birthday. It isn't horrible because I get presents from my friends >.<

BUT!!!!!!! There is a 2nd long jump PAPS measuring on my birthday.

Now, Back(?) to Someone's birthday. As you ALL know, 5/19 is Buchunnimohshinnal, known as suck-ga-tan-shin-il. And I wondered, hmmm, Seoin=Buddha(Buchunnim)????????

And I think it is unfortunate, mostly because 5-18 kwangju something, and hi!

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I have no idea what you guys are all doing except for a few people… can you guys all write in the comments what class you are in right...

Hi wix

(lol visited almost by 2 years this site is dead OoO) hiii i am studying grammar for class byeeee


Seoin Lim
Seoin Lim
May 15, 2021

I read Mongshilunee when I was 3rd grade! It was so sad... A great book, wish everyone can read it. It's famous, you know.


Hailey Chang
Hailey Chang
May 15, 2021

Seoin you're a genius you predicted I'll be screaming AHHHH when I go to PEAI because we have a evil test on my birthday totally horrible you know

Anna Kim
Anna Kim
May 24, 2021
Replying to

It's Rachel

Evil-Uation test is funny^^


May 14, 2021

I already did the long jump thingy, and the mat was so slippery! I only jumped 142cm! OMG

May 15, 2021
Replying to

My best friednd (Chun-E-L jumped 170cms when she's only 148cms tall!

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