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+ I never knew 'wierdness' is a word.

+it maybe only my class, but maybe not. (:

+maybe this is not in passive voice

+last blog post TAT

In my class, boys and girls tend to get around well. Like, there might be some who don't, but mainly, YES. Girls participate(?) to punch those boys, and this, is actually kind of fun when you consider that in our school, we can't go out of the class after lunch. They say that is for safety, but who knows what?? The school also says to ban playing sports after school- why? TOO d.a.n.g.e.r.o.u.s. Anyways, in our class, boys kick each other and wrestle until someone cries or someone makes a real victory(?) Boys cry,,,yeh They are always saying "you bbeeeeeppppp" or so on so far. I do not care about things above, but the frustrating thing is when randome, wierd boys come up and say, ''don't make ___ suffer" in a sarcastic, half-joke way. ALWAYS. I mainly don't care, but in times when I am having a bad day, it is so annoing!! Ugh!! They do such harm to my ears and eyes, but 1 interesting fact(?) They become really close even tho they had a fight, a big one, an hour ago.


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