Hi Guys! I'm Chaewon! Today, I played with my friends! We all had a super good time together. The four of us met in front of the school at 8:30 in the morning, and we went straight to Lotte World. We rode the bus with no adults, just the four of us! It was super exciting! It was a new experience. When we arrived, we waited in the line. The line was very long. The whole grade of high school came today! Anyways, we got in and separated into two. Rachael and I went together, and Mina and Jimin went together. Rachael and I first rode the spinning basket, and then the merry-go-round. Then, we went to ride the dragon shooting thing. I don't remember the exact name of that ride. After that, we bought things to eat. I ate ice cream. Even if it's really cold outside, the indoors are hot, and plus, I just like ice cream. Next, we rode the jumping fish. That ride was for little kids like kindergarten students, but still, the spinning part was fun the rest was boring. The last ride we rode was the best ride since, like, ever!!! It was SUPER DUPER FUN!!! It was called the wild venture. ( I think... ) We waited really long to ride it, but still. It was like a 4D movie, where water comes out and the chairs move, and people feel like they're actually falling down from the cliff. AWESOME!!! Then, the four of us met again and ate.
After that, we came out. I bought a doll and a pencil case at the souvenirs shop. It was a little expensive but that's okay~ The four of us headed to Coex after that. We went shopping. Our legs were killing us, it hurt a lot. We walked a lot today. Then, we ate lunch. Maybe it was more like dinner, since we ate it at 4'o clock. After we finished. We went home. Rachael's mom picked her up, so she went another way. Jimin, Mina and I went outside to wait for the bus. Then, we all realized we didn't know how to get home.... Oh my god! We stood at the bus stop not knowing what to do. We were all freezing to death. Burrrr..... Jimin called her mom three times to ask her what to do. We stood there for about 20 minutes or maybe even more. Just then, the woman next to us told us to ride bus 143. We thanked her. And we did so. We arrived safely at our homes. It was a day I will never forget.