I played with my friends who were in the same kindergarten class with me. Their names are Dyne and Jeeyu. Although kindergarten has still ended, we sometimes meet and play together. However, this time was different because Dyne had spend her time in Maryland, America for one and a half year so she was coming to Korea for a short 2 weeks break, and then back to Maryland for another one and a half year. We played at the Vaunce trampoline park, which was in Jukjeon. It was gigantic and the first floor were filled with little trampolines. First, we were awkward since we met in 1.5 years but soon the awkwardness was gone. We got on to a 170 meter box by bouncing on a long trampoline and
climbing up the box. At my first attempts, I failed. However, after a bit of practicing, it was easy, and fun to do. In the middle Jeeyu and I went up to see our moms and Jeeyu, running at full speed at a automatic door, the kind you have to press the button to open; slammed in to it, right in the face. It was funny, but I cringed a bit, thinking of the pain. When Jeeyu was gone, I told the story to the mothers and they laughed. Back on the first floor, we had a mission game. The mission was to bounce on a trampoline in a particular way. There was a knee drop and a sit drop, and the both of it. It was pretty unfair that the 4-6 graders needed to pass them all. The knee drop was the most painful. After practicing it, my legs were red. I passed the mission successfully and felt great, but I'm never going to knee drop again. As we went upstairs to eat lunch, I saw a cat, the kind that has blue eyes and brown fur with pointy black ears. It ran away. Upstairs, Dyne gave Jeeyu and me a present. It was a shirt and I felt my face go hot because all I had was some money. For the rest of the time we played games and left. I wish there would be a time like this again!