This book seems like it's just a fictional story which happens in the animal farm, but I think the animals are a metaphor of people and their history.

In Mr. Jones's Manor Farm, the animals wanted freedom, and planned for it secretly. One day, the animals attacked Mr. Jones as well as the other people who were there. Of course, the animals were angry and very eager to be free, so they won. The animals were led by intelligent pigs, Snowball and Napoleon. They made rules like "No animal shall wear clothes" " No animal shall sleep in a bed" " No animal shall kill any other animal" and lived peacefully for a moment. Then, the animals noticed that the pigs didn't work, but a very persuasive pig explained that the pigs do a lot of 'work' of thinking. After that time, the pigs, especially Napoleon and his friends acted like they were in charge of the whole farm. 157 Mr. Jones came again because he was so angry and also to get back his reputation. At that fight, the animals said that Snowball was very brave and praised him. Also, Snowball and Napoleon fought a lot, and because of these reasons, Napoleon kicked out Snowball and told everyone that Snowball was actually a bad pig, took over the farm, and began to act like humans. The pigs changed the rules bit by bit to make the animals think that the pigs aren't doing anything wrong. This became worse day by day, and the pigs became almost like humans, wearing clothes, walking on two feet, drinking alcohol, making the animals work by scaring the others with his dogs, and even killing other animals, saying that they were a spy of Snowball. Even the horse which worked the hardest for everyone else was taken to the slaughterhouse and died there, while the pigs used the money made by selling the horse on buying alcohol.
In this book, the other animals are like plain people of a kingdom. The animal farm was ruled by a dictator called Jones, then the peaceful time came under the rule of king Snowball, but others who didn't like the king gathered an army them self and prepared to take over the kingdom. Now dictator Napoleon took over the kingdom and the animals lived an unhappy and a hard life, perhaps harder than being under Mr. Jones. This reminds me of history and the things that happened just for trying to become king.
Have you ever thought of these? I hope you get to read it, and I'm sorry that I spoiled most of it!!