Hi, my name is Lucas and I saw a movie called 'Ant-Man' when our family got a new TV system. This movie's about a good criminal who stole money from burglars to give out to the people they stole it from. Then, he stole the money from a company which overcharged customers and from its CEO. Scott Lang got out of prison but was in need for money to pay his ex-wife.(child care) So, he decided to rob Hank Pym: a rich scientist who discovered the Pym Particle and built the Ant-man suit. Scott Lang found the Ant-man suit in the vault instead of money that he hoped to find. When he tries on the Ant-man suit, he discovers the power and decides to return it to Pym's house. Unfortunately, he got discovered by the police and got sent back to Jail. Hank Pym, posing as a lawyer returned the Ant-man suit and helps him break out of jail. After training, (learning how to control ants, using the suit well, etc) Hank Pym sends Scott to the avengers facility to steal a device. But, that lead to a fight between Ant-man and Falcon. Then, Darren Cross (former Pym's protégé who kicked Pym out of his own company) perfects the Yellowjacket suit. While Darren was explaining, Ant-man infiltrates and plants bombs inside the building. While he was stealing the suit, he got trapped. Darren Cross steals the Yellowjacket suit and wears it. Then, they went inside Cassie's(Scott's daughter) room and starts fighting. After punches, giant stuff, laser beams,etc Ant-man decides to go subatomic to go inside the Yellowjacket suit. After defeating the Yellowjacket, he put an enlarging disk inside the regulator to become normal again. Finally, Scott's friend Luis, tells him that avengers are looking to recruit him.
Thank you 4 reading this long description!