This book is about a horse’s hard life of being sold and meeting new owners.

Black Beauty used to live with a kindhearted owner, James. He took good care of Black Beauty and they were like friends. James even helped horses out of the stable when there was a fire, even though he might die in there.
Then, Beauty was sent to a new house help pull carriages. Whenever the mistress rode the carriage, the reigns had to be high, but it made Black Beauty uncomfortable and painful.
After that, Black Beauty was sent to Reuben Smith. Everyone liked Smith, even the horses, but he was a drunkard. You see, alcohol makes people out of their minds and makes them do unforgivable things. One day, Smith had rode Black Beauty to town and kept him in a stable for a moment. When he returned to go home, he was drunk and was in a very bad temper. Black Beauty’s front shoe had a loose nail, but Smith didn’t mind and whipped Black Beauty, even though he was galloping as fast as he can. Black Beauty fell to his knees and Smith was thrown and was dead.
Black Beauty now had scars which would not disappear, so he was sent to Mr. Barry. He was gentle and ordered the best hay with plenty of oats. Unfortunately, the amount of oats which are needed for strength decreased. Then, the groom didn’t clean the stable very well, so Black Beauty became sick.
After he recovered, he was sold to a man with kind gray eyes called Jeremiah Barker. Jeremiah’s wife and children were kindhearted. Black Beauty was having a good time, but Jeremiah’s family had to move, and Black Beauty was sold to cruel masters.
Black Beauty pulled around carriages full of heavy luggage all day, and he fainted of tiredness. A kind man offered to help him and decides to buy him because the man’s son wanted Black Beauty so much. Black Beauty was taken to a small, pretty house. He thought the people will give him a week’s trial, but his groom was Black Beauty’s friend and he was greeted home.
I think the lives of horses are very sad, and sometimes, when you think you’re living a hard life, I highly recommend this book.