Hello, this is Greene. I read a book called Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. This book is about a pig called Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte.
When Wilbur was first born, he is a runt, so he was raised by Fern. Fern took very good care of Wilbur, but when he got too big, he got moved to the Zuckerman’s. They allowed Fern to come and look at Wilbur if she wanted to.
One day, Wilbur got tired of living in a pen. Then he heard a rumor that he would be sent to the slaughterhouse. He was very afraid and started to worry, when he met Charlotte. Charlotte was a very intelligent spider and was very eager to help Wilbur.
On her spider web, Charlotte wrote Some Pig, which had a very big effect on the Zuckermans. They decided to keep Wilbur. After words like radiant, terrific and humble also appear on Charlotte’s web, Wilbur decides to go to the fair. He wins a blue ribbon, and he doesn’t get eaten.
At the fair, Wilbur notices that something is wrong with Charlotte. It turns out that Charlotte is too old and she is very close to death. But before she dies, Charlotte finishes her last piece of great work, an egg sac. She has exactly 514 eggs inside. After she dies, all the eggs hatch and all of them except for three leave. The three spiders that are left are called Joy, Aranea and Nellie.
I think Charlotte shouldn’t have died because she was my favorite character. I didn’t like Wilbur because he was a greedy little pig who pretends to be innocent. Fern was also nice, but she made Wilbur into a spoiled pig. This book was exciting even if it was obvious that Wilbur wouldn’t die.

I read the story and watched the movie. I think this book was very interesting beause the author wrote more about animals. Also this movie was very fun to. I think I had a pig like Wilbur I wouldn't good care of the pig. Also I think that Charlotte is very kind and intelligent too.