The day of Chuseok, 2018. 9. 24, Monday. However, most people, or our school, at least, rests from Friday to Wednesday. It was pretty good of the think that I could wake up later than usual and not have homework either. On the first day, Friday, I didn't do much. I just stretched out and relaxed. On Saturday, I went to Seoul sky (which is located on Lotte tower, 121th floor. It was amazing how you could go up in an elevator from beneath the earth to the 121th floor in a minute. I couldn't have imagined it if it was an ordinary elevator in our department, which takes 2 seconds to go up 1 floor. The view was amazing. I could see the Han river and lots and lots of buildings. It was a pity I couldn't see the whole thing in daylight. I tried stepping on the glass floor, and the whole city stretched beneath
me. It was thrilling, and I took pictures too. After that, we went shopping. I bought a cute mouse pouch. The Forth day, Monday, (anybody noticed I skipped Sunday? There was nothing special about it anyway;;) I wen't to my maternal grandmother's house. ( I collapsed on the couch at this point because I couldn't believe my eyes at the word, 'maternal'. It sounded so simple in Korean!) I expected nothing special. All of my cousins were younger than me and the most mature one was a boy(I will call him cousin A, for short.), and anyway, the other two girls who were 7 years old and 9 years old got along very well, so I just played with the boy, oh, he's 11 years old. I hardly had any ideas about how to play, so I just got along. When we went out to eat, we rode our kickboards. (By saying we, it means me and my my cousins!) It was so much fun to ride it with other children I knew. When we came back, I drew cakes for my sisters and played tic tac toe.
It was such meaningful 6 days. I wish I could have a great time like this next time!