It seems like only days ago when I came to PRC all nervous and now it's all ending... with a final blog post about my Lunar Chronicles reading. Today I'm going to write about Cress.
According to my blog post of Scarlet, Cinder is going with her new allies Thorne, Scarlet, Wolf, and their spaceship Iko to defeat Levana. Meanwhile, there is the girl in that D-Comm chip that made Cinder make the decision to go to the ball. As many of you will now, her name is Cress and she's a shell, a particular type of Lunar that doesn't have the ability to manipulate others, but also immune to it. She was supposed to be killed when she was a baby, but surprise, Sybil 'raised' her in a Satellite. Her only company was computers and the computer that is programmed to have her 10-year-old voice. After surrounded by a company like that, she became an excellent hacker. One day, Cress makes a daring decision to be rescued by Cinder and her friends. However, Sybil finds out and when the team came, Scarlet was captured, sent to Luna, they all got injuries, (including Sybil) a Lunar thaumaturge named Jacin got on board, and Thorne was sent down to Earth with Cress in bounds. Let's focus on those two.
When I said they will be sent down to Earth, this is not a good thing. Although I don't know exactly when an object from space falls toward Earth with the pull of gravity, it pulls up speed and just like when rubbers of a tire screech the pavement sending sparks, it just sort of works that way, which means you can die. Luckily, Cress managed to float a parachute and they didn't die. However, from hitting his head too bad, Thorne lost his eyesight and surprise, they landed in a desert of all things. And Cress didn't even have shoes so they had to cut her hair and knot them into makeshift shoes. They walked and walked and walked and finally came across a town and got help. They went to another town and stayed at a hotel. But things got twisted when Cress saw a girl (who turned out to be an Escort Droid) on Thorne's lap and accepts a woman's suggestion to be a test subject that deals with Shells. Cress, changing her mind, when she was out of the truck and carried into the room, gave the doctor a blow and hid.
The doctor was in fact, Dr. Erland (Cress's dad) and Cinder, Wolf, Jacin, and Thorne came too. After they reunited, (except for Scarlet) they went to New Beijing and kidnapped Kai and told him to persuade Levana to host the marriage at Luna, so they could start a revolution.
Honestly, I was planning to write to Winter, but then it would have taken me 5 more hours. I hope you have enjoyed Cinder and plan to read the series like I am and hope you luck on 6 grade!!
What you might like to know:
Thorne got his eyesight back.
Levana is dead. = Revolution accepted. = Peace. = Cinder is queen. (Winter)
