Do you know what Euthanasia is? It is a man-made death that is performed to a patient when it is seemed to have no hope on getting better. It is just basically injecting some liquid to people or to the animals. It is just basically injecting morphine to people.But, if you perform Euthanasia to people in a wrong way, you could go to prison. If you are going to perform euthanasia to people, you need to always think of the few laws(?) of Euthanasia. It is
-the patient must be an adult.
-the patient's mental should be ordinary.
-the patient is nearly dying.
-the doctor couldn't tell the patient to perform euthanasia.
-the patient should be told that there is more ways like hospice.
-the patient can always cancel the injection.
But, if I was the patient, I would not have get euthanasia. It is because that euthanasia is being killed my a man-made morphine and I would just want to be killed in a natural way like from a disease or just death of being old. But, choices are choices and I could not just tell you like do this and do that. But, If I was you, I would never die of morphine injection.
