Have you ever heard of the demonic Evil Test? It is PEAI's Evaluation Test, but we call it Evil Test. The Evil Test is a test of reading comprehension and writing. The reading comprehension part is pretty easy, but it is very easy to get one question wrong, so you have to watch out. The writing part is harder, but you can get decent scores when you write an OK essay. The point system is a bit different. The score is out of 220, and if you're in the top 10%, M level. Top 40%, A level. Lower than that, F level. But the problem is that when you stay in one level, it is very hard to get out of your level and level up.
So many students hate this test because it is boring. But sometimes, it can be good because you know how good your English skills are. So the Evil test is a mix of good and bad- but you have to take it! So just calm down and think of the good things. Although students hate the Evil Test, they are still worried about it! So hope for the best, but prepare for the worst!