d stay alive for a little, you could see the battle zone shrinking because of the storm. (code for radiation). If you're lucky, you might see some air drops or chests that contains weapons or a weapon. Thank you for reading my long explanation of the amazing game FORTNITE.es and slopes to travel and walls to shield with wood, brick and stone. Also, you can use port-a-forts to instantly create a mini base for yourself. Also, there's shield potions to give you extra hp that cannot be healed unless you use another dose of a shield potion. Shield potions also doesn't protect you from fall damage. Finally, there's emotes (can be bought with $) to express your feelings on the battlefield. This is how you play game. First, you just go into a small island until the battle bus (all 100 players) gets ready. When they get ready, you instantly teleport into a battle bus that transports you into a big island. Then you leap out and skydive or deploy a glider. If you reach a certain height the glider will automatically open. When you reach the ground and stay alive for a little, you could see the battle zone shrinking because of the storm. (code for radiation). If you're lucky, you might see some air drops or chests that contains weapons or a weapon. Thank you for reading my long explanation of the amazing game FORTNITE.
