Hi I'm Kyungmin and I read this book called George's marvellous medicine a long time ago and this book was about a boy named George who lived with his mom, dad, grandma. His grandma was very evil. She was very scary. She always made George take care of her medicine and she always saids to George to do everything for her. So george wants revenge so he thinks of making a new medicine for his grandma. He puts in all his ingredients in a pot he goes to many rooms he went to the bathroom and also a place where there are many liquids. In the bathroom he went to put shampoo and more things but I don't remember well. Also he put things from where there are many liquids. He got animal pest and put something that removes flees for animals and he mixed everything together in the pot and he mixed it with hot water then he made it cooler and he put brown paint to make it look like his grandma's regular medicine. Then it was time for grandma to eat her medicine then she drank the medicine then she became really tall and she could move from the chair and she was very tall and when his mom and dad came his dad gave medicine to the animals and his dad thought of this idea of selling these anmals then they could earn money so he says to George to remeber the ingredients but George couldn't meomorize because he had to many ingredients. the he mae a edicine then he tested the medicine on a animal then the animal got smaller. Then the next one failed . Then George gave a new medicine to the grandma then grandma got really smaller so the grandma disaapperared and that was the end thanks for reading have a nice day!
George's Marvellous Medicine
Updated: Jul 1, 2018