Hello, my name is Lucas and I recently read a book called 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets' (yes, I'm very fond of Harry potter books) This book starts at the Dursley family's house (like usual). When Dursley family's friend, Mr and Mrs. Mason comes, Dobby, the Malfoy family's house elf used hover charm on their house. Then, Mr. Dursley said that he will never drive him to Hogwarts. But, Ron (One of Harry's best friends) came to get Harry. When they couldn't get through platform nine and 3 quarters, they used it to fly to Hogwarts. The year was pretty normal until pupils at Hogwarts started getting petrified for unknown reason. It was a matter of time before Hermione (also one of Harry's best friends) got petrified too. When they went to see her at the hospital wing, she was holding a piece of paper about basilisks. Also harry found the diary of Tom Riddle, a kid who graduated from Hogwarts a fifty years ago and disappeared soon after that. The diary listed the chamber of secrets while harry was talking to it. So, Harry went inside the chamber of secrets to fight the basilisk. Then, he found that Tom Marvolo Riddle is actually lord Voldmort (You-Know-Who). When he thought he was going to die, he found Professor Dumbledore's pet, Fawkes the phoenix carrying the sorting hat. he pulled out the sword from the hat and pulled the Godric Gryffindor's sword from it. he slayed the basilisk and pulled its fang(one of the only stuff that can destroy horcruxes) out to destroy the diary. Finally, the story ends with petrified pupils reviving because of mandrakes and Gryffindor house winning the house cup three times in a row and Dobby being freed by Harry potter by giving a sock.
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