Hi, My name is Lucas and recently, I read a 'Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone'. This book starts in setting of the Dursley's house. The Dursleys are mean people who raised Harry because Mrs. Dursley's sister, Lily Potter, died in a so-called "car accident" (actually the killing curse) with her wife James. Then, Hagrid ,the gamekeeper, came to take him to Hogwarts, after sending many invitation letters to Hogwarts. They went to Diagon Alley to shop the stuff that he needed. Then, Harry met Ron at the platform nine and three quarters while entering it and became friends. After they went to the sorting hat, they both got sorted in Gryffindor house. After a while, when there was lessons for riding brooms. So, when Draco Malfoy, his nemesis threw Neville Longbottom's remembrall(an marble shaped object that glows red when the user had forgot something) at the air. Then, Harry flew in the air to get it. Professor McGonagall saw Harry make his flight and made him the new seeker of Gryffindor. After that a mountain troll got into Hogwarts. Hermione Granger tried to tackle the troll but failed. When she thought she was doomed, Harry and Ron came to the girl's bathroom to save her from the troll. After that incedent, they became friends. the rest of the year was pretty usual with quidditch matches detentions and more. (except X-mas where he got an invisibilty cloak) At the (nearly) end of the year, They realized the professor Snape might want to steal the sorcerer's stone, which lets you live practically forever. They got past most of the traps at there, until they had to choose who had to fight Snape. They agreed to let Harry drink the fire-resist potion to face professor Snape. But, when he got there, he realized that the guy wasn't Snape but professor Quirrell, teacher of defense of the dark arts. When prof. Quirrell untied his turban he saw face of Voldmort also known as you-know-who was there. Finally, Harry defeated Voldmort and prof. Quirrell. At the end of school the Hogwarts' Headmaster awarded the Gryffindor house a lot of points for their heroic actions. The story ends with Gryffindor getting the house cup.
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