Hi guys! I am feeling that the weather is a little bit cooler than the burning summer. Good news!^^
Wait, am I the only one feeling this! I hope not...
Anyway, today I will introduce you about the third book of the Harry Potter series. I think I did not write Harry Potter series for a long time. The third book is 'The Prisoner of Azkaban'. Azkaban is a kind of a prison in the magic world. They keep wizards and witches that did a big fault. Dementors are the ones that keep them in their. (To explain a little bit about those Demontors, they are not human. They are mysterious black creatures. They can not see, but they have great sense of smell and hearing. When a dementor kiss someone, that dementor can suck out its soul. They are truly scary creatures.)
With these dementors, it is definitely hard to escape from the prison. But, one of the people that did the most evil crimes, Sirius Black escaped from the prison. Because of that, dementors stayed next to Hogwarts to get Sirius Black. But, Sirius Black was actually a friend of Lily Potter and James Potter, Harry's parents. Sirius happened to be Harry's godfather.
( not explain about the main part not to spoil the story :))
Hermione and Harry success to help Sirius escape. Even though Sirius vanished and they did not know where they went, Sirius, as Harry's godfather and a friend of Harry's parents (not in this book but happens) write letters to each other. He also becomes a big help when Harry has problems that he could not solve. To the last moment, he truly loved Harry sacrificed the most important thing that he needed.
You must read this book. So adventurous!! I also recommend you to see the movie^^.
