Hi I'm Kyungmin and I didn't read all the book holes but did still read a little. The book is about a boy named Stanley Yelnats. He stole sneakers from Clyde something.(which he didn't steal). He had a choice to go to jail or go to ccamp. so he went to a camp and he had to dig holes every day. The group had nicknames like zero, x-ray,armpit,etc and he got a nickname called caveman and he kept digging every day. One day he was digging a hole and there were a fish fossil. so he reported to Mr. pendanseki but the Warden wasn't interested in fossils. Then x-ray told Stanley to give him something he finds exttime since he stayed loger than Stanley and he couldn't see well. then one dy Zero and Stanley made a deal that was if Zero digs Stanley hole Stanley would teach Zero to read. so they did that and zigzag and Stanley fought and Mr. pendanskey came and told stanley to hit zigzag back so he did but zigzag hit him back then zero hit zigzag then stanley explained the deal and when mr.pendanseki asked zero to ask to pronounce words he teased zero so zero hit mr.pendanseki back. Then zero ran away and survived then Stanley saved him. That's until I read. Thanks for reading
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