Hello, my name is Lucas and I read the book 'Holes' over yesterday and today to know the fundamental details of the book that Patrick teacher had assigned us. This book starts with the main chracter, Stanley Yelnats IV in a trial where the judge's verdict was either for him to go to the jail or the Camp Green Lake. Stanley chooses to go to Camp Green Lake where you're forced to dig holes everyday unless you find something in your hole. At the first day of the camp, while Stanley was talking to a orange lump, he got his nicknames like everybody else in Camp Green Lake, Caveman. One of the Camp Green Lake's pupils, X-Ray (Rex) talked to Stanley and made him hand over the stuff that he found to him. The Warden was bad (like hitting kids with the fork bad) and everyone had to obey her including Mr.Pendanski and Mr.Sir. Magnet aka Jose stole a bag of sunflower seeds. When Mr. Sir came, Magnet threw the seed sack and Mr.Sir began to question him which forced him to make lies up. He took him to the Warden and She applied her nail polish, which contained rattlesnake venom and scratched him and Mr.sir The story continues........On chapter 21 -THE END-
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