A few weeks ago, my math teacher asked the whole class a question. "Can two parallel lines ever meet?", and the whole class (except one person who was joking) said "No". Then the teacher said "Yes" and explained how. In case you don't know, parallel lines are straight lines that should supposedly never meet, however long the lines are.
To understand better, you should get a globe (a circular model of the earth), and look at it.

As you can see, the latitude and longitudes are completely parallel, meaning that all of the longitudes are parallel with each other. Now, we have to prove that the longitude is a straight line, which is easy. If you peeled off the outer layer of the globe, the longitudes will be a straight line, just like in maps of the world. So, now this is the perfect example of two parallel lines, meeting together.
Anyway, after the teacher explained all this, he explained that we learn that parallel lines do not ever meet because the math we learn is in Euclidean space. Euclidean space is space that basically isn't curved. And, this example is in Non-Eucli
dean space, where the spaces are very strange (or interesting).
This is a video of non-euclidean spaces in VR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z00eVZXQYD0
After that, everyone in the class clapped for the teacher, and the one person who was joking said " I told you!"