Hi my name is Kyungmin and I read a book about a women named Jane Goodall in the who? series book.. First Jane Goodall was born in London, England, on April 3,1934. She loved animals since she was young and played with a chimpanzee doll named Jubilee. Jane Goodall had a lot of curiosity and liked to observe things. She did things like staying in a hens house to see how hens lay eggs. but her mom and dad worried about her when she disappeared into the hen. Also she put worms on the floor to observe the worms.Also she trained dogs when she was young shee trained Rusty and Budleigh. Jane Goodall played with afew kids by making a club named Alligator Society. After she graduated high school her family coudn't afford colledge so she couldn't go to colledge. She wanted to go to Africa and study animals in Africa but she did other jobs before she went to Africa to observe animals. Then Jane Goodall's dream came true by going to Africa. Then she went to Dr. Leaky and she became his secretary. Even though she didn't go to colledge she was accepted to Dr. Leaky. She had many animals in her apartment so she put them in the woods. Then she went to the jungle and studied chimapnzees she found out that chimpanzees are similar to peopLe. She made a chimpanzee friend to. Thanks for reading!!!
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