Hi I'm Kyungmin and I read the book leafie a hen into the wild and it is a book about Leafie who was tired of living in her hen she was a girl chicken who didn't want to lay eggs in her hen anymore becausse she was tired of her life. so she decided to go out the hen by the way her name is Leafie because she got inspired by a leaf. so she went out the wild and there was a weasal and it tried to attack Leafie but she managed to survive and Leafie met chorokmuri who was a duck that a green head and he helped her lot and oe day Leafie find a egg and she makes it hatch and it was a green headed duck too. Also chorokmuri dies because he sacrificed himself for leafie he let the weasel eat him thinking if the weasel is full he wouldn't attack Leafie and the egg that Leafie is take caring of. Leafie was very said when chorokmuri was dead and in the ead the egg hatches and th egg leads a group of other duck an dhad to leave Leafie and leafie dies to makin the weasel eat Leafie. Thank you for reading ^^!
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