These days, when I look around myself, there are hardly any left-handed people, which makes me sort of sad because I am a left-handed myself. So please, don't ask me this question: "You're left-handed?!" Oh yeah, big deal. Ugh. But what I can't deny is that there are much more right-handed people than left-handed ones and that there seems to be the tiniest difference between them. So, what is so different about us left handed people?

First, let's look at some facts. In the world, there are about 90% right-handed people and 10% are both hands and left hands. Although the percentage of people with left/right-handed people are a bit different in each country, what is obvious is that there are much more right-handed people.

Second, there is some discrimination for the left-handed people. This matter has decreased recently, but you can still find some of it. For example, the majority of the scissors are still for right hands and most of the materials used for dental jobs, are much easier to use when you are right-handed. Besides that, you might have noticed the 'right' and the left
There are lots of more differences, like the brains and health, etc; but it shouldn't let us go down and feel too different. So lets think about being different and get along with each other!