Today I finished this book, Les Miserables. I knew the basic out line of the story because I heard about it, but I never actually read it. I found this book in the library and started reading it. Basically, this prisoner, Jean Valjean, steals a bread to feed his seven nephews but gets caught. He was supposed to be in the prison for five years, but on the fourth year, he was so worried about his nephews and tried to get out of prison. Jean Valjean is very fast, and strong but unfortunately gets caught. He tries a few more times to get out. Now he has to be in prison for 19 years. After he gets out of prison, he is not welcomed in society. He goes to a cathedral and tries to sleep on the stairs. Then, a nice women tells him to go to priest (bishop) Myriel. He sleeps in Myriel's house but steals the bowls. He gets caught but Myriel says "Why didn't you take the candles?". The police goes away and from then, Jean Valjean starts to be a good person. He goes to a small town where he changes his name and make his own marble factory. He makes a lot of money. He donates 100 million francs, but still has 68 million francs left. He meets a women named Fantine and promises her that he will take care of her daughter, Cosette. Unfortunately, Fantine dies. Jean Valjean gets Cosette from a evil man called Thenardier. Cosette grows fast. One day in a park, they meet a young, polished man, Marius. Marius loves Cosette, and Cosette loves Marius. But Marius is too timid to tell Cosette that he loves her. Cosette is also that way. Jean doesn't know that they like each other. Eponine, who is Thenardier's eldest daughter, likes Marius. When Cosette and Jean Valjean is going to leave France to England, Marius asks his grandfather if he could marry Cosette. His grandfather says no. After that, he hears that people are going to protest. Since Cosette is gone, Marius thinks that he is supposed to die in the protest because he is French. He goes onto the barricade bravely. After he comes down from the barricade, he finds Eponine lying on the floor, bleeding. Eponine says that when he was on the barricade, someone shot at him and she got shot herself. She gave him a letter that Cosette wrote to him and said that she liked him. Afterwards, Jean Valjean saves Marius. The police inspector, Javert, who spent all his life trying to catch Jean Valjean, thought about catching Jean Valjean or not telling because he saved his life. Afterwards, he commits suicide. Jean Valjean gets Marius to Marius' grandfather's house and heal him. Then, he lets Cosette and Marius Mary and give Marius the 68 million francs, only leaving 500 francs for himself. Jean Valjean tells Marius that he is actually a prisoner. Marius doesn't like him after that. Thenardier comes to Marius to get money and tells him Jean Valjean's past. Marius then realizes that Jean Valjean is actually a good person and goes to his house. Jean Valjean was about to die right then. Jean tells Cosette who her mother was and passes away. He told them when he dies, just bury him anywhere and don't write his name on the gravestone. The words that was wrote on his gravestone was very emotional. If you didn't read this book, I highly recommend it. It is very good.
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