Hi, I'm Maureen. Today I read a book called Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. It is about a woman named Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. She knows a lot about children. So she makes cures for children. And she plays with children every day. In this book, there is the won’t-pick-up-toys cure, the answer-backer cure, the selfishness cure, the radish cure, the never-want-to-go-to-bedders cure, the slow-eater-tiny-bite-taker cure, and the fighter-quarrelers cure. My favorite one is the radish cure.
Mrs.Piggle Wiggle made this cure when a girl named Pasty refused to take her bath. So the cure was letting Pasty not take her bath for several weeks. Then Pasty would get a lot of dirt all over herself. When the dirt was about half an inch thick, Pasty’s mother had to plant radish seeds on her head and arms. So Pasty got radishes all over herself and took a shower. This time, she wanted to take a shower. And she took bathes like other children.
This book was very funny and I liked this book. The radish cure won’t really work, but it was still really funny. And best part was the radish cure part. But everything else was also very good and I would recommend this book.