At first, everyone expects a normal day of their life. But, life is never normal. Everybody always has some kind of special thing that happens in their everyday life. However, it seems to me that my luck is either playing tricks on me, or just plain awful. Anyway, yesterday, everything was normal until fourth period. That’s when the teacher comes in and says ‘ok class, get out your homework from yesterday.’ I was calmly searching in my bag when I froze. There was nothing in my bag!!! I had forgotten to pack my homework, and had packed a book that had nothing to do with my homework that I had put a lot of effort into! You might guess what happened to me after that. Just 5 seconds after I realized that I had not packed my homework, the teacher was yelling at me. I was terrified at that moment, because I hadn’t seen the teacher yell at someone for about a week! However, it wasn’t as bad as I had expected. That is because the teacher yelled at me for about 3 minutes, than made me do my homework at recces. Therefore, it wasn’t really my worst day ever, but definitely it wasn’t my best day ever either.
