I recently saw a movie called 'Ready, player one?'.(based on a novel by Ernest Cline) It's about a teenager called Wade Watts, aka Parzival, in the virtual reality world called 'The OASIS'. Before the creator of it, James Halliday, died his last words were about 3 keys, and if you gather them, you get to have his multi-billion dollar fortune and the ownership over the oasis. Once Parzival got the copper key at the race,(by going backwards) The company called IOI, started to hunt him down. Once he got the second key, located in the movie 'Shining' (by kissing a girl that Mr. Halliday never dared to). Soon, Wade's clan, H, Art3mis, diato and sho, gets the second key too. Finally, they find that the last quest is in planet doom, the most dangerous planet on the OASIS. Unfortunately, Nolan Sorrento, the boss of IOI, and the sixers (Nolan Sorrento's henchmen) decides to stop them. So, Wade calls the people playing in the OASIS to fight with them Then, diato dies (or zero-out in the oasis) fighting MegaGodzilla, a monster that Nolan summoned in a form of a gundam. H and Atr3mis died because of the lava. When Parzival and Sho were locked in a combat with Nolan Sorrento, he detonates the cataclyst, the grenade powerful enough to kill practically everything on a planet. Everybody died, except Parzival, who had an extra life in stock. He earns the third key, which was hidden in the game 'adventure' from atari 3600 (finding easter egg). Finally, he earns the easter egg and gets the multi-billion prize.
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