Yeah! I was jubilant when the second book of the Lunar Chronicles, Scarlet came. It was so frustrating when our novel, Cinder ending with Cinder attempting to escape jail. Effect? I begged mom and she bought me the book! It came yesterday at 5 o'clock and after reading 6 hours, here I am! So, let's get on with the plot.
Scarlet, an 18-year-old girl, lived with her grandma at a farm. She sells the vegetables to Rieux Tavern, a bar that isn't exactly filled with manners. One day, Scarlet sees Cinder, who has became world famous after the ball incident, and after seeing a bunch of people cursing her, explodes. (By the way, she had an incident herself. Her grandma disappeared, the only person she relied on, and the police gave up on finding her.) She climbs on the counter and stands up for Cinder, which leads to a bunch of protests and a man named Roland standing our the most. Just then, a street fighter, Wolf, stood up for Scarlet, and almost killed Roland.
Scarlet goes home and finds her dad flipping the house looking for something. He had a mad look in his eyes, and he said that Scarlet's grandma was captured and they tortured him. Scarlet also gets the information about a tattoo on them and gasps as she remembers the same tattoo letters on Wolf.
Scarlet barges down to the place where Wolf fights for a living, and without will, watch a game and set off to pour questions on to him about her grandma and accuse. However, the response that came from Wolf was that he didn't do anything to Scarlet's Grandma, so after of a suggestion of his of finding her, they set off.
After a bunch of train riding, jumping off the train, jumping on the train, fighting, Scarlet shooting a gun to Wolf, and all sorts of crazy things, Scarlet found Grandma, but she was captured by Lunar thaumaturges, and Wolf was one of them. But he came to save Scarlet and she lived. However, her Grandma died.
Break time
Yes, I'll take questions.
Where is Cinder??
Oh yeah. Cinder escaped. She had to go to the sewers, brainwash people, and gain a noisy companion, but she escaped, and plus, got a ship and found a new body for Iko.
And Kai. Sorry, but he's sort of having a hard time this moment. First, he felt betrayed. Okay, Cinder is a Lunar, but why doctor Erland? Second, the matter with Levana. She was absolutely infuriated that Cinder escaped.
No more questions, thank you.
Scarlet and Cinder met each other and with the others, (Iko, Wolf, the prisoner that escaped with Cinder: Thorne) and at the process, Kai decided to marry with...
He wasn't left a choice and that kicked Cinder into action. At the last page, she decides she is going to defeat Levana.
I really, really understand guys, you hate the book, and I think it especially means Si***ng, but I just LOVED the book and I'm really looking forward of begging my mom to buy Cress.