Hi I’m Kyungmin and in peai we did secret Santa and coincidentally I did secret school on Wednesday. For secret Santa in school we did girl - girl and boy - boy so of course I got a girl. For the secret Santa in my school we had missions everyday so today we had to say hi to our secret santa. I got many hello’s and I did many hello’s to. we also wrote a short letter to our secret Santa. At first when I wrote the letter I thought my friend( my best friend is my secret Santa)could recgonize my handwriting so I tried to write left handed and I am a right handed person at first it looked horrible tha you couldn’t read it so I just wrote it with my regular handwriting. Then my friend came over to me and said is it you then I said no I wrote it with left hand. Then thankfully she belived me and said she thinks it is someone else. I don’t know who my secret Santa is because she didn’t give me my little note. You could write your letter and then put it in the red box. Like I said I didn’t get a letter the reason is because of 2 reasons. First you might not have time. Second you can type it. I just wrote it because I read all of the book(John’s dream list we had to read the book) so I wrote my note. Also for another mission we have to share snacks when we go to our field trip. We soon go to job world so we have to share snack. Also another mission is to give a present. There are more but I don’t remember. Bye thanks for reading see you on Saturday.
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