Hi, this is Maureen. I read a book called The 13-story Treehouse today. It is about boys named Andy and Terry living in a 13 story treehouse. There is a bowling alley, a see-through swimming pool, a tank full of man-eating sharks, vines you can swing on, a games room, a secret underground laboratory, a lemonade fountain, a vegetable vaporizer, and a marshmallow machine there.
This story is about sea monkeys. Sea monkeys are a kind of mini shrimp. Terry orders sea monkeys, but there is a sea monster that was pretending to be a mermaid. It wanted to eat Terry and Andy, but they were saved by the banana shrinker. Then they flushed the sea monster down the toilet.
Terry ordered sea monkeys again. This time actual monkeys came out from the sea monkey eggs. Terry used a giant banana to hypnotize the monkeys. Then they got rid of the monkeys. But a giant gorilla found the giant banana and came to their treehouse thinking that it was a banana tree with giant bananas. It was attacking the treehouse. Then, Silky the flying cat and her twelve friends came over and defeated the giant gorilla.
This book was very funny and I would like to read the next book.