Hello! I'm Chaewon. This week, I read a book called { The Golden Bug }. Do you know the books where a person solves a secret message and finds lots of treasure? This is one of those stories. But, it has something more to it. You guys might have read this book, but for the ones who don't or can't remember, I will summarize for you guys.
There is a person called Legrend. He has a server named Jupiter. And he also has a friend, who is the main character, called 'I'. Legrend found a golden bug. And with it, he found something else too. It was a yellowish paper. He called his friend, 'I' over. Legrend told him about the golden bug he found. And on the yellow paper he found with it, he drew him the picture of the bug. 'I' told him that it looked like nothing but a skull. Legrend was very disappointed. After, 'I' went back to his house.
One day, Legrend, Jupiter and 'I' went to the forest. Legrend told Jupiter to do some things, then they all digged the ground. Then, they found a chest, so they opened it. WOW! A bunch of shiny gold and gems came out. It was amazing. It was all thanks to Legrend who solved a complicated secret message.
Hi! I read this book 'The Golden bug' too! For me, it was fun, full of adventures, but somewhat mysterious. Since the background is not now, it was hard for me to understand what the character was thinking. Also, I just thought the characters were weird. When I was reading the part that they are talking about the golden bug and the yellow paper, I just had question marks (?) over my head. I really could't understand it. Also, I was a little confused when they just went out knowing not a lot of things but having to much courage about finding the treasure. I thought they were immature. It was not one of the many scenarios that mostly happ…