On Tuesday, I got an Influenza vaccine. I got it because my sister was going to take the college scholastic ability test. If one of us got a flu, everyone was going to get one, depending on the luck that anyone of us would get it. My sister, mom, dad had already got the vaccine and I was the only one who haven't got it. I wasn't that afraid because I had gotten a lot of shots before, but I was of course worried because shots are always shots, and I had the feeling that this vaccine would be different from the shots I got recently. At the hospital, I got this feeling that I should be really quiet. There were only sounds of some footsteps and pages of books being turned. Hardly any people were there. The only people that was in the waiting room besides me and my mom was the desk clerk and some elderly. I wondered how come any kids weren't there. Maybe it was because it wasn't the pediatric hospital. When it was my turn, the doctor poked the needle in my right arm. It was not that bad. It did hurt after that because the doctor poked the needle in the hard part of my skin. My mom had to massage that part for a minute.
Although I will have to get a lot of vaccines after this, I am going to get them without any worries.
