At school, I saw an ancient movie {by Charlie Chaplin (an actor is probably dead by now)} called 'The kid'. this movie has no sound but plays movie with music going on. Also, this movie is black and white (like I said, it is ancient) and replace talking with subtitles which occasionally pops up in the screen. This movie starts with a woman putting her baby in a bench while she goes somewhere and when she returns, the baby's gone. She couldn't find the baby and kept looking for it. The baby (which was trashed) got found by Charlie Chaplin. After five years, the baby became a boy and they were doing 'wreck and fix thing' together (the boys throws stones at the window, then the dad fixed it) Then, the sheriff caught them and they got on a chase. After a while, the man successfully escaped. Then, the woman (which is a star now) came and gave him toys. A bully wanted to get his toys, but he defeated the bully. Next, the bully called his brother to fight with the man. He actually won the bully's brother using a brick to fight with. Finally, the kid got ill and the woman finds out that he's the missing baby. -the story continues in the movie- This movie was unlike the most movies that I saw (Avengers, Star wars,etc). I recommend this movie to most people (it may be boring but it actually has good story) and I'd give it 4 stars out of five stars because there's no sound but other details and story are good. I hoped you liked my blog.
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