Hello. My name is Steve, and I will introduce the book called Magnus Chase and the sword of summer. It is about Magnus Chase, who died fighting a wolf, and discovered that he became a Einherejar, a warrior of Odín. He also discovered that he was in hotel Valhalla and was a son of Frey. He wouldn't die unless he was outside of the hotel. There are nine worlds, which are Asgard, the home for the war gods such as Thor, Vanaheim, the home of nature gods like Frey. There is the Midgard, which is where humans live in and Nidvelliar, the home of dwarves. Finally, there is Jotunheim, the home of giants. I mentioned them since it was the world that comes out in the world as a main sceneThen, he goes out of hotel to find the sword, Sumurbrander, the sword of summer. He goes the trip with a valkyrie who got him into the hotel. After he finds the sword, and discover he talks, he meets a fire wolf. The wolf whose name is Surt. I won't tell you more of it, since it will be a spoiler. Bye bye! fuck fuck fuck
The Magnus Chase
Updated: Jul 25, 2018