Hi! I am Chelsea and I am going to introduce you a very interesting book. The name is 'The moon and Sixpence'. Also the writer of this book is William Somerset Maugham from France. When I was reading this book, at least for me, it was really confusing. It was hard to understand why the character is talking or acting in a certain way. And it was really hard to understand the character's feelings because what they did was just out of the box!!!(?) Anyway that was the reason that I had to read some (actually a lot) of the parts again.
But it was really interesting! I can not say that it was fun or exciting or adventerous or any other words like that because it wasn't. It just had a weird feeling that just kept me thinking. I was only concentrating on the book. It just made me. The story I think did not really make any sense. Maybe it could have happened a long time ago for a little percentage but also surely not nowdays. But it really just had a mysterious feeling that made it enjoyable to read this book.
I really wanted to write about the book but I knew that when I start it, I will start spoiling about the whole book ^^. But I really think this is a good book and I recommand you to read this book when you want to get out of the box and from a normal book.

Hi Chelsea! I'm Jasmine~~ I only read some of this book, but I also think I can't stop when I start reading it. It's so strange that even though it's not exciting or adventurous, it can be so interesting! Oh, and I really hope I could read more some time.
PS. In most books, there are those parts where I feel puzzled and read it again but is still confused. ^^
Hi Chelsea~~~ I'm Chaewon!!! I get those feelings a lot too. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. I can't understand why the character makes those choices to act or talk that way. Honestly, I mostly can't understand any of the books. I don't understand what's happening or going on in the story. If I read a lot, I forget what I read before. So I go back. But then I forget what I just read, so i have to read voer and over, again and again...