Today, I will make another blog post about the periodic table. This time, I will tell you about the making of the periodic table and how to memorize it. Firstly, how was the periodic table made? It was made by a Russian scientist called Mendeleev. It is now most well known as the periodic table and in one of the things in the periodic table, there is a Mendelevium. Also, there are some atoms that are named after some of the famous people like Copernicium and Einsteinium. Also, most of the atoms are used in our house like Krypton and lead and Zinc, Iron,carbon(for our pencils) and a lot more. But, the most important thing is that there is a lot of elements that are very harmful to our body. For example, arsenic is poison and hydrogen has a very high chance of exploding. Uranium and plutonium is so bad that it can kill people just by touching and even holding it. But, some elements are very good for our body. Bismuth is used to cure stomach aches. Now, I will tell you the easiest way to memorize the periodic table.The most easy way is to buy a poster and look at it for a few months. Then, you can memorize the periodic table easily.
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Diamonds, like pencils are made out of carbon!!