Hi, I'm Maureen. Iread a book called The Word Eater today. It is about a worm named Fip. Fip eats letters and words, and the word he ate will disappear. And a girl named Lerner found Fip. Then she learned about his magic. So she made things she did not like disappear. And the things she made him ate when she did not know about hs magic disappeared , too. So Fip ate a star, thumbtacks, a vending machine, her teacher's suit, pickle forks, a dog, and Fip's magic. So Fip became a normal worm. And all the things that disappeared was replaced with other things.
Nothing important except for the dog disappeared, but I think that Lerner was very dumb. I would not let Fip eat all those things. You can't just make things disappear. And makindg the dog disappear was really mean. I would have made really bad things disappear. Or I would have made Fip eat his magic right away. I might have even killed Fip. I would not be like Lerner.
So this book was okay. But it could have been much better if Lerner was not so dumb. The best part was when Fip ate all the things.