Hello, my name is Lucas and I recently read a book called 'Treasure Hunters' This book is about four Kidds (last name) hunting for treasure. The characters are Beck (owner of the journal), Beck (drawer of the journal), Storm(second-born with photographic memory)and Tommy (oldest child with buff body). This story begins with the Kidds trapped in a tropical rainstorm that led to his dad going missing. (mom was kidnapped) When they found out that their dad went missing, they went into the room (banned place) and found the list of things that their parents tried to do. They went to Louie
Louie and made a trade with him. They fixed the lost (ship name) and got the Mwana Pwo african mask and the Kidds got a bumblebee amulet. Inside the amulet, they found a map that led to a treasure ship that made them rich. Then, the Kidd's 'uncle' timothy came suddenly. They went suspicious of him and gave him truthserum, which made him inform that he and his parents were CIA agents and their parents work for him. After he left, they went to a museum to trade the amulet for a Grecian urn. But the Urn got stolen by their dad's foe Nathan Collier. When Collier went to see the pirate king (his boss), the Kidds tracked him and tried to persuade him into releasing their mom. Then, uncle Timothy came and arrested the pirate king and forced him into make a call to end holding their mom a hostage. Finally, this book ends with a letter from their dad saying that to go to egypt. I hope you enjoyed my blog!