Hi, I'm Maureen. I read a book called Tuck Everlasting today. This book is about a girl named Winnie. She found out about a magic spring that can make give you eternal life. But the Tucks who got eternal life, did not want Winnie to tell people about the spring. So they kidnapped her to tell their why eternal life is not a good thing. And Jesse gave Winnie a bottle of the magic spring water so that she could drink it when she was seventeen, if she wanted to. But, a bad man learned this and told Winnie's family he would bring Winnie back if they gave him their woods. Winnie's woods had the magic spring in it. But the Tucks knew that this could not happen. So Mae killed the bad man. hen Winnie had to go back and the Tucks ran away. Winnie lived like a normal person and gave the magic spring water she had to a toad she liked.
I think that Winnie is very weird. I would drink the spring water when I became seventeen. The Tucks did not like eternal life because they are left out and alone. But this will not happen to Winnie. There are the Tucks so she would not be so alone. And I don't want to die. Everybody should not have eternal life, but Winnie could and probably should. If she does not, The Tucks will be sad, too. So I would probably drink the magic spring water.