Long ago, slavery had existed. Mostly black or poor people became slaves for the rich or white people. Some rich or white people were kind and tried to treat the slaves as well as they can, but some just used the slaves as tools. This book is about the hard lives of slaves like them.
Eliza is a slave who works under a kind master. One day, Eliza overhears that because of problems of money, Eliza, her son Harry, and Tom, a faithful slave are going to be sold in the morning. Eliza gets ready to run away with Harry, and goes to Tom’s House to tell him to leave with her. Unfortunately, as a kind and faithful man, Tom refuses. In the morning the slave seller finds that Eliza fled, and decides to go catch her. However, the slaves didn’t want Eliza to be caught, so they tried lots of ways to give some time for Eliza. With the help of kindhearted people, Eliza gets hidden in houses and barely escapes.
Meanwhile, Tom is sold to the family of a beautiful white girl called Eva. Eva teaches Tom and tom reads books for Eva. Unfortunately, because of the genetic problem Eva gets sick and dies. Just before Eva dies, she asks her father to set the slaves free, but because of money, Tom is sold to a cruel owner. Tom needs to work every day, doing hard work. The owner liked him, but Tom couldn’t hit other slaves, so he began to die slowly by his cruel owner. At the end, Tom dies.
After I saw this, I got to know that it isn’t that good to be a very good person. Well, it is good to be honest, but I think too much honesty or too much kindness irritates people, especially selfish ones.