Have you ever asked yourself a ridiculous question like “What would happen if everyone on earth had jumped at the same time?”, or maybe even “could you fly using guns?”? Well, if you have, and you would actually like to hear some serious scientific answers to these ridiculous questions, I would definitely recommend this book.
This book’s title is called “What if?” and I think that the title describes the book well because, the book is answering questions that mostly start with “What if” as you might have guessed. In the book, there are a ton of silly and ridiculous questions, and the author solves these questions in a very serious and scientific way, with tons of humor and fun pictures like this…

(this picture was about the question “What would happen if the Earth and all terrestrial objects suddenly stopped spinning, but the atmosphere retained its velocity?”). And this picture is in the part where the author describes that there will be thousand-mile-per-hour winds. Anyway, this book is pretty funny, and also very scientific, and you can use the facts here to maybe even impress your friends. So if your mom tries to buy you a big and boring science book for you to “study”, maybe you can convince your mom to buy this book instead because this book is actually funny, and also contains knowledge. The question I found most interesting in this book was the question about “From what height would you need to drop a steak for it to be cooked when it hit the ground” The answer was that you would need to drop the steak from 250 km, but how you would retrieve the steak would be unknown because the steak would be going 6000 kilometers per hour. (that’s like 6 times faster than the passenger planes you ride on when you go to another country!)Maybe you might need a super strong net. Anyway, because of these reasons, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone. (Maybe not 1-7 year old kids...)
Thanks Patrick Teacher! (Yay!)
You can read his online comic at xkcd.com :-)