Hello, my name is Lucas and read the book Wimpy kid :The Meltdown as soon as it came home from the shipping people. This book is about a ordinary boy named Greg Heffley's life with middle school and his three-brother family. This book starts with Greg introducing him and his life to the readers (Surrey street, middle school, etc) and some stuff that kind of doesn't make sense such as melting icebergs with hairdryers. One day, Greg's mom makes him play in the snow all day. When Greg returned because he got ambushed with snowballs, his dad came with an idea to build forts with flags. But, when they actually built it, him and Rowley (best friend) got ambushed again. The people built forts, copying the ideas until the kids at the lower part of Surrey street came to go sledding in the hill. The hill kids built a great wall to block the lower kids from sledding and bought snowballs and icicles from Mitchell Pickett (kid who sells snowballs and other stuff) to enhance the wall and for ammunition. After they got hit with rounds of snowballs, the lower kids armed themselves with masks and sleds/trash cans for shields. When they tried to climb the wall, Rowley's hot chocolate powder earned some time until the upper kids got ready with slush-filled trash cans. Then, all the noise attracted the safety patrol and the mingo kids. (wild kids that lives in woods) Then, it turned in to free-for-all. Finally, the plower came and plowed the snow with the kids, causing the snowball fight to terminate. So, I hope you liked my blog.
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