The last last blog post, I wrote about the peace talks between the US and North Korea being cancelled. That was bad news. But now there is some good news! The peace talks have been un-cancelled (This is actually a word)!
The peace talks are now supposed to begin at July 12th and Kim Jong UN and Donald Trump are supposed to meet at some hotel on an island in Singapore. The reason for this was probably because if there was an emergency (like a crazy terrorist attack, or a huge protest) , Kim and Trump could simply get rid of the bridge connecting the island to the shore, and they would be all secure. However, if they were in a building in the middle of the city, then if there was a protest they would have to evacuate or egress by helicopter, and the meetings would have to be cancelled again.
However, Korean reunification might not be a great thing for everyone. For example, the north Korean citizens have been hearing the lies that Kim has told them almost everyday, for almost their entire life. So, there will be the problem because almost all of the North Korean citizens think that the US and South Korea are enemies. Also, some South Korean people might treat the North Koreans badly and there will be this huge issue of discrimination. However, on the other side, Korean reunification would mean that we could get the tons of resources that North Korea has. (Maybe nukes?).Also, the problem of aging population in Korea would be solved.
Anyway, I sure hope that the peace talks wouldn’t be cancelled anymore because then, it will be my third time writing about this topic!

It is good that the peace talks were un-cancelled. The peace talks were held, and now, the countries have become more peaceful! I think that this can be better if Kim Jong Un destroys everything about their nuclear program which can lead to reunification. But, this is not always good.