Like nowadays, I don’t know how everyone has a topic to write about. Because I don’t. So today, I will tell you basically about me and Peai.
First, I came to Class “JT2” in September of 2018 September. I was actually with 3 boys (Boo) and I was literally EXHAUSTED with them. And one day, I had to go to my grandparents’ house at the time of Peai, so I visited(?) JT1 instead. There was my real start of Peai. There was Lily Hwang, Bella Jung, Ivie Kim(WHO USED TO BE MY BESTIE), Seoin Lim(WHO NOW IS MY BESTIE), and Hailey Cherry Cheese Dumpling Pudding Icecream Jelly and whatever all those stuff were (If you can remember all this, comment!!). So I started to like this class, because there was only girls >.< So from then, I started to go to Tuesday 1st class until now.
Second, 3rd grade. I was now apart from Lily, who leveled up. I wasn’t really sad, I wasn’t close to her. Anyways, Lily was Ivie’s best friend, and after she leveled up, Ivie became my best friend. Now, how did I become besties with Seoin? That happened in 4th grade. When Bella leveled up in June of 3rd grade, Me, Livie, Seoin, and Hailey were in the same class.
THird, 4th grade. This year was the most sad(AND HAPPY) year for me from going to Peai. In December of 2019, Ivie said that she is leaving Korea and moving to America. NOT FOREVER, but she is still probably in America because of this EVIL BAD RIDICULOUS BOO virus. Anyways, she leveled up in 4th grade, and somehow Lily and Bella and Ivie met again!
And that is why me and Seoin became besties. Then, Eugenius and Sophia came to our class. And then, we became the same team in the Fund-Starters Project, which was “Sani-Peni”, and Wormhole News project. So we became known( in our class) that we are Sani-Peni and so on and on and on. And also a great timeline, when I went to a speech contest in 2020. I was really nervous. Anyways, even though I didn’t win the award, I felt proud to represent our class. ^^ Thank you for reading!
P.S This is the speech contest thingy.

And probably a lot more...
Hailey Cherry Cheese Dumpling Pudding Icecream Jelly Cream Cupcake Cracker Cookie Brownie Churros Chocolate-chip cookie Rice cake Cake Pie Chocolate Muffin Banana Muffin Cherry Muffin Candy
Hailey Cherry Cheese Dumpling Pudding Icecream Jelly Cream Cupcake Cracker argh I don't know!!!!!