Lets imagine that we get 10 billion bucks. Wow..that is a lot. Okay. If I get that kind of money, first, of course, I should get the things and do what I want I want in the first place, such as a brand new Iphone, AirPod pro, shopping the amount of clothes that I can adorn almost every day and buy only the colossal ice-cream and others. If you thought I will donate my WHOLE money to UNICEF or something, you have came the wrong house. Whoa! Whoa! Guys, don't see me like I am a criminal or something. Of course I will donate some money to poor people to make the world more effective! However first, I want to get a taste for money. That is appropriate, right? Okay? Understand?
But if I only buy now, Jeannie from the future would want to kill me. I will save my money that left for when I am older, such as going college or I have a symptom or I get hit by a landslide or something. Also I will put some in the installment saving account so I can get more money. Than I can get more money. ^^ (Sorry I don't have much things to say about savings)
Wow. I only thought of getting 10 billion dollars, but I feel so great. I guess it is a day that I have luck. Maybe I should ask my dad for buying the lotto. Who knows, maybe I will be the second Elon Musk in the future! Thank you for reading, and I love money!