Why do you think when we sweat, we become cold or get a flu or a virus more easily? Well, for the first part that we become cold when we sweat is very easy. When, we sweat, it evaporates when it is contacted with the air and then, we become cold.
But, why do we get a virus more easily when we are cold? If you know the hidden fact inside it, it is as easy as 1+1. It is because, when we become cold, our body uses considerable amount of energy inside our body. Then, if we have less energy then before, viruses can enter our body more easily.
There are few things that our body do to ourselves when it is cold. When the weather is cold, you realize that your hand becomes red and your ear become red. That is because our body is sending a lot of bloods into that part of our body. The blood can create energy and warmth by circulating or just being there. Secondly, you can also know this with your experience: your teeth chatter very fastly and you can't stop it for some reason. When that is happening, it means that your whole body is shaking together. Our body is making us to do it automatically because if our whole body shakes, it can create more warmth around us.