Fireworks 'seriously' hurt the environment. According to a research, fireworks cause extensive air pollution in a SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME. Also, when it pops on the air, it leaves metal particles, dangerous gas and chemical which stays for literally hours and days. After there is a firework, there is gas beside where it happened. And, extensive air pollution, metal particles, and toxic gas which brings chemical reaction will come out to them which will injure creatures.
There are one main causes that fireworks make. First is the air pollution. When the plastic materials come out of the firework, some of them will definitely go into the ground. And, if the plants eat the dirty, stinking, filthy, toxic, plastic, and chemical gas and materials they will DIE. Plants are just like humans and animals. Nobody want to eat the dirty, stinking, filthy, toxic, plastic, and chemical gas and materials Think about the trees and the environment that will going to suck the toxic liquid. And, if that liquid goes into the ocean, the sea creatures will going to drink it, which can cause pollution of the animals. But, sea creatures like fishes on the dinner plate. But, remember that those fishes are the ones that are polluted by the fireworks. Which is matched with the phrase, 'WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND.'
To summarize, it is very clear that we should not use fireworks even if we want to see the light, shimmering beyond our eyes for our EARTH!