I was reading a book called ‘Black Beauty’. That book is about this horse. He goes to different owners, meets other friends. His first owner was forced to sell Black Beauty when he was young. He gets sold to Britwick Park. Britwick had a coachman named John Manly.
Then, Dick Towler, a boy with a pipe went in the barn with a pipe but came out with no pipe. John tries to get the horses out but the door was blocked. So he gets Beauty to knock the barn door down with his hooves. But in the end, two horses died from the fire and got buried under the debris. John congratulates Beauty for saving him. He gets sold to Squire Gordon. And then, Beauty gets sold to Jerry. While Jerry was his master, Beauty’s mistress got sick and he needed to gallop all the way to the Docter’s and Beauty got sick. At that time, his colt breaker was Joe Green. And the coachman was James. But When Beauty was sick, Joe gave him cold water and did not give him his ‘warm cloth.’* So James Called him a bad boy because Joe was only 15 years old. But Squire Gordon said that he should not go so hard on him and Joe was trying his best. (Im tired of writing...)
*Warm cloth: blanket*