I never knew that there was the Paralympic Games before the PyeongChang Olympic was hosted. I never even knew that there was a Paralympic sport called boccia. I watched a YouTube video about boccia, and it said that Korea has gotten the gold medals of it for straight eight times, and they were trying to make it nine times. I was amazed because I thought that fencing(sabre) and archery were the only sports that Korea was good at. But since now I knew that Korea was also good at boccia, I started to have an interest in the Tokyo Paralympic Boccia Games. So I watched KBS news at 9:00. Then, it was time for Sports News so I started to concentrate on it. After all the baseball news, the boccia news came out. "Korea had won the gold medal in boccia!" the anchor celebrated as he had a happy face. Even though the athletes were very looking poor, they looked awesome which made me respect them. I did not feel bad for them, but I felt proud of them. I want to play boccia one time since it is very interesting. (Boccia is a game where athletes' work hard to get their balls close to the white ball.
Boccia in the Paralympic Games